Romantická beletria

Milostný příběh dvou geologů z prostředí sibiřské tajgy
5.09 €
"I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find that you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. " When Benjamin Button is born he...
5.99 €
Composer and music teacher Annette Brougham hears a knock on her ceiling. Ready for a confrontation, she goes up and is surprised to find herself drawn to the mysterious artist Alan Beverley. As their relationship develops, Annette finds herself knocking on...
5.99 €
"The ice cream is the final dish. He arranged the dessert beautifully on the plate, but instead of complimenting him, I let my index finger slide into the ice cream. I turn towards him and look into his eyes, and bring my finger to my mouth. I open it slightly...
5.99 €
"Five men were jumping about in fur-clad trousers and were wearing bizarre animal masks. The masks looked a bit like the kind one might put on large dogs to keep them from biting. It also worked splendidly as a costume – for a faun. It was my nymph fantasy....
5.99 €
"Now I have my orgasms as often as I have the time, as often as the desire strikes me, and I can find the money. I don't have to think. My master knows what I like. He does everything I've been craving for so long. He corrects me, ties me up and beats me, he...
5.99 €
"In my memories, you're clearly present. In my dreams you're real, you're mine. Your lips find mine again. Your tongue is as playful as I remember it. Your demeanour is sensual and curious. Your laugh is so spirited. Your hands are so inquisitive. Your kisses...
5.99 €
I got a text message. I shouldn't have looked at all. I grabbed my phone to switch off the sound ahead of time so it wouldn’t disturb the meeting. But of course, I couldn't help checking the message: "No other women can be as wet and as tight as you. Painful...
5.99 €
Audiokniha Cizinci v noci, kterou napsal Kent Haruf. Jednoho večera navštíví Addie Moorová svého souseda Louise Watterse. Oba již před lety ovdověli a jejich životy na malém městě plynou ve stereotypech, které chabě vyplňují prázdnotu. Rozhodnou se nebrat ohledy...
6.19 €
Příběh dvou čtyřicátníků, Ireny a Petra, které zcela nečekaně zasáhne vzájemný cit. Oba jsou velmi zranitelní a zároveň ochotní ještě jednou podstoupit martyrium lásky. Oba úspěšní, jeden pro druhého dostatečně atraktivní… Jak to, že ani tohle nestačí na udržení...
6.59 €
Audiokniha Šťastní lidé čtou a pijou kávu, kterou napsala Agnes Martin-Lugand. Mladá Pařížanka Diane vlastnila kdysi útulnou literární kavárničku s názvem Šťastní lidé čtou a pijou kávu. Žila si svůj šťastný život, dokud jí tragédie nevzala nejen ty nejbližší,...
7.29 €
Existuje v našich životech ještě místo pro „opravdové muže“, a nebo jsme jim ho nechtěně sebraly? Poslechněte si fejetony a povídky Barbary Nesvadbové o vášni, lásce, zklamání, nevěře, deziluzi, zášti, přátelství i žárlivosti.
7.29 €
Veľký Gatsby je najslávnejším románom F. S. Fitzgeralda. Dej príbehu je situovaný do 20. rokov 20. storočia, z obdobia prohibície a tzv. džezového veku v USA. Mladý zbohatlík James Gatz, prezývaný aj Veľký Gatsby, a krásna Daisy Buchananová prenikli do sfér...
7.9 €
Co by se stalo, kdyby všem klukům, kteří se ti líbili, někdo najednou sdělil, že ses do nich zamilovala…?
8.02 €
Love is the Drug. Twenty-four-year-old Billy is beautiful and sexy. Albert—The Pharmacist—is a compelling but damaged older man, and a veteran of London’s late ’90s club scene. After a chance meeting in the heart of the London’s East End, Billy is seduced into...
8.99 €
Neisa Moore is the beautiful daughter of a Vicar and she lives a quiet and secluded life in the country with her father. Her cousin, Carol Waverton has led a very different life in America with her immensely rich father, but when Carol comes to London for the...
8.99 €
"Evylyn, I’m going to give a present that’s as hard as you are and as beautiful and as empty and as easy to see through. " When New York housewife Evylyn Piper receives a cut-glass bowl from a former boyfriend as a wedding gift, it's like the bowl brings a...
8.99 €
Michael, the handsome Earl of Monkford, returns from fighting in the Napoleonic War to find that his beloved home, Monk Hall, once a Monastery, has become thoroughly dilapidated from lack of money. tAnd his estate has been sadly neglected with broken down farms...
8.99 €