Biznis a kariéra

Has estado pensando en invertir en el mercado de valores, pero no sabes por dónde empezar. Hay demasiada información sobre la inversión y es bastante desalentador si no sabes por dónde ir.Aquí es donde entran en juego 25 consejos de inversión para principiantes....
0.83 €
The World Wide Web has huge potential to accelerate the growth of agribusiness sector of a nation, even more so when it comes to the economic performance of agricultural marketing systems. With the advent of the e-businesses and e-commercial transactions, the...
1.74 €
With the advent of e-businesses and e-commercial transactions, the number of internet users who rely on internet for their buying and selling transactions has gone up considerably. E-Commerce is the buzz word in this modern technology-empowered era and there...
1.74 €
Certified Professional Career Coach and Official Member of the Forbes Coaches Council, Garrison Leykam doesn’t just believe that everyone is capable of creating their own second act careers. This AARP card-carrying motorcyclist and “career chameleon” has proved...
1.74 €
About the Book: I will explore the definition of leadership first, then different leadership style from different research works. To strengthen my views I would consider of consenting the scholarly articles in this regard. After that I will see the effect of...
2.48 €
The New Investing Matrix explores investing in the most comprehensive way possible. Wayne shares how to systematically create an investment action plan that goes beyond the traditional stocks and bonds investment strategies.Investing is looked at from different...
2.49 €
Someone onced said; "it is not the last of money that makes people struggle financially but their bad money habit" That statement had a profound meaning in my life has I was struggling financially at the time. If you are struggling financially, the problem...
2.51 €
In Entrepreneurial journey, time will come when you feel disheartened and on edge of losing hope of success. That time you don't know, whether you like to continue in the journey or just quit. This book will help you to take decision on that critical time.
2.53 €
El libro número 1 sobre inversiones en bolsa Compre la versión en rústica y obtenga la versión en kindle gratis El mercado de valores tiene sus peculiaridades. Es un mundo en el que un pequeno asunto tiene el potencial de crear un impacto masivo. Una cosa anadida...
2.53 €
Wayne continua il viaggio dal primo libro. Per i nuovi o piu esperti imprenditori, spieghera passo dopo passo e in dettaglio come fare o come continuare il passaggio dal lavoro tradizionale e creare un'impresa con reddito sufficiente per perseguire i propri...
2.53 €
Dieses Buch erklärt in einer klaren, nüchternen Art und Weise die bewährten gewinnbringenden Strategien für den Handel mit Futures. Sie werden lernen, die Inter-Market-Analyse zu nutzen und Trades mit geringem Risiko und hohem Gewinn zu machen. Das Buch deckt...
2.59 €
Aprenda las técnicas que utilizan los traders profesionales y de éxito. Estos conceptos han sido probados y respaldados por los alumnos de sus clases. Contenido extra: Estrategias de forex trading con noticias, los conceptos del Delta y mucha más información...
2.6 €
Discover How to Make Money With Day Trading This book is a comprehensive guide for new day traders. Day trading has been described as a "way of life" implying that the day trader must be completely absorbed in the activity, to the exclusion of everything else...
2.61 €
Inside this book, you will discover the topics about approaching book publishers: The importance of creating a system, book publishing scams: What are they and how to avoid them, ebooks: A great alternative to print. Common mistakes you want to avoid, how to...
2.9 €
Criptovaluta, Bitcoin, OIM, blockchain, mining ... Quando si sentivano queste parole solo un paio di anni fa, la gente diceva: E una truffa, una bolla finanziaria. Non ha senso investire, il prezzo e troppo basso. Il paese non riconoscera mai la criptovaluta....
3.01 €
Investir dans un parking ou un garage est un investissement immobilier tres rentable, peu risqué, et méconnu. Ce livre a vocation a fournir toutes les connaissances nécessaires a la recherche, l'achat, la gestion et la réussite de l'investissement dans un parking...
3.08 €
Science-based methods for the most comprehension and retention. Teach more in less time. There is a reason that education, teaching, and pedagogy are all areas of intense research and study. They are complicated! But just because you don’t have the fanciest...
3.35 €
“Shall We Dance?”“It takes two to tango” in an expression suggesting that certain activities cannot be performed alone; they need two people who are willing to participate in order for something to happen. The New Normal might offer several challenges when...
3.35 €