
Isabella Andrews has lived a life specifically based on having structure. Her job gives her pleasure without disappointment—unlike men and romantic relationships, some wanted you for you, but others just wanted you for what you can do for them. Knowing Jax...
0.85 €
Miért nem akarja az apa által felépített vállalkozást továbbvinni a fia? Miért küszködik inkább saját startup alapításával? Egy gyárépület vagy egy mobilalkalmazás-­-e hoz-­-e nagyobb vagyont? A „Legénység” egy sikeres vállalkozó apa és az ehhez hátteret biztosító...
0.85 €
18 ÉVEN FELÜLIEKNEK!A meséknek mindig ugyanaz a vége: az igazság győz, a gonoszok elbuknak, a jók elnyerik jutalmukat, a rosszak elnyerik büntetésüket... De még Meseországban is vannak, akik ebbe nem nyugszanak bele, és bosszúra készülnek. Méghozzá olyan bosszúra,...
0.85 €
Az egyetemes törvényekről (amelyek még a foganásunkat is "rendezik és intézik", akárcsak a születésünket, meg a sorsunkat, és, az "egész életet" a kozmikus világegyetem működésével együtt) először az Elta egyetem kurzusain hallottam, ahol az asztrológiával...
0.85 €
Spices are the food ingredients. A spice may be seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance mainly used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Condiments are used to enhance the flavour of the dish.
0.86 €
Fruit, from a consumer’s point of view, is a juicy, sweet, and fleshy edible product (i.e. the ripened ovary of a flower) of a plant that contains seeds and an envelope. So from a consumer’s point of view, plant products such as apple, apricot, pear, peach,...
0.86 €
Peppercorns are one of the most used Indian spices across the globe. Peppercorns are produced from pepper plants. Scientific name of pepper is Piper nigrum and this plant belongs to the family Piperaceae. It is an evergreen, tender, perennial climbing vine...
0.86 €
Compost is a type of organic matter that is rich in humus and plant nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). NPK content of compost varies from 1.5-0.5-1.0 to 3.5-1.0-2.0 depending upon the organic waste materials and manures used for...
0.86 €
Scientific name of Aloe is Aloe vera. Aloe is an evergreen perennial succulent plant that belongs to the family Liliaceae. Aloe is a hardy perennial plant that is tropical and succulent in habit and can successfully be cultivated in arid climates. Aloe Vera...
0.86 €
Elephant foot yam is a popular tuber vegetable in tropics and subtropics. It is also known as “white spot giant arum”, “stink lily”, and “sweet yam”. In India, it is known by various names such as Oal, Suran, Zimmikanda/Jimmikand, Kuch.
0.86 €
Banana is one of the most popular fruits across the world. Scientific name of banana is Musa spp. It belongs to the family Musaceae. Banana is believed to be originated in tropical Indo-Malayan Region in South East Asia. Bananas are fast-growing, perennial...
0.86 €
Blackberry plants are grown for their nutritious, delicious fruits. Blackberry is considered as one of the most nutrient-dense fruits. It is counted among top 50 nutrient-rich, plant-based foods. Blackberry fruits are commonly known as ‘bramble fruit’....
0.86 €
Scientific name of high bush blueberry is Vaccinium corymbosum and low bush blueberry is Vaccinium angustifolium. It belongs to the family Ericaceae. Blueberries are one of the highly nutritious berry fruits and are known for its nutrient density. Blueberry...
0.86 €
Brinjal or eggplant is scientifically known as Solanum melongena. It is a tropical, perennial vegetable grown for its edible fruits. It is generally grown as a half-hardy annual plant for vegetable purposes. Brinjal fruit is a berry and these berries are used...
0.86 €
Scientific name of Broccoli is Brassica oleracea var. italic. The edible portion of a broccoli is its immature buds and thick fleshy flower stalk. There are two types of broccoli available in the market: green sprouting broccoli and purple-colored broccoli....
0.86 €
Carrot is a biennial herbaceous plant cultivated for its starchy, edible root tubers. For vegetable purposes, carrot is grown as an annual crop. During the first season of growth, the plant completes vegetative growth and produces edible root tubers; during...
0.86 €
Scientific name of collards or collard greens is Brassica oleracea cv. acephala. The name ‘acephala’ means ‘without a head’; that is, this Brassica vegetable is formed of loose leaves unlike cabbage or other Brassica vegetables. It belongs to the genus Brassica...
0.86 €
Zucchini is a type of summer squash grown as a summer vegetable for its tender, edible spongy fruits. It is the most popular and widely grown summer squash vegetable. Scientific name of zucchini is Cucurbita pepo. It belongs to the gourd family of vegetables,...
0.86 €