
When Kunstwerke und Geräthschaften des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (18521863) was published, what purchasers in fact bought was a small printed museum of unusual treasures. With 216 hand-colored copperplate engravings, the publication gives a c omprehensive...
104.5 €
Philippe Starck describes him as a "mystic in a country which is no longer mystic." Philip Drew calls his buildings "land art" that "struggle to emerge from the earth." He is the only architect to have won the discipline's four most prestigious prizes: the...
104.5 €
Emile Prisse d'Avennes (1807–1879), a French Orientalist, author and artist, was one of the greatest pre-20th century Egyptologists. An ardent admirer of the superb skills of Egyptian and Oriental artisans, he was enamored of Arabic art. As a youth he dreamed...
104.5 €
When David Hockney discovered the iPhone as an artistic medium, it opened up entirely new possibilities for his art. He made his first digital drawings in spring 2009, describing the morning landscape in broad lines and dazzling colors directly on a display...
104.5 €
The coveted Annie Leibovitz SUMO is now available in an unlimited XXL edition. Drawing on more than 40 years of work, including photojournalism made for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s and conceptual portraits for Vanity Fairand Vogue, Leibovitz selected...
131.1 €
Sky-high, ornate, and the pinnacle of glamour, both restrictive and liberating, art object and deeply ordinary, shoes tell the story of shifting attitudes toward desire, power, and wealth throughout history. Lace up for a journey through the most enviable shoe...
132.05 €
The Wunderkammer, or "cabinet of curiosities," saw collectors gathering objects from many strands of artistic, scientific, and intellectual endeavor, in an ambitious attempt to encompass all of humankind's knowledge in a single room. From the Grand Duke Francesco...
156.75 €
At the turn of the 20th century, architecture took an imaginative leap. As new construction materials and technologies met such far-flung stimuli as the Far East, nirvana, and the unleashed unconscious of Freudian psychoanalysis, buildings by the likes of Gaudí,...
313.5 €
Kniha z populárnej edície predstavuje priekopníka modernej architektúry evolucionára Otta Wagnera. Známy architekt prispel používaním nových výrobných techník a stavebných postupov k prekonaniu historizmu a nástupu moderny.
11.35 €
Egon Schiele (1890-1918) bol priekopníkom rakúskeho expresionizmu a jedným z najvýraznejších portrétnych maliarov 20. storočia. Jeho tvorbu definuje nepokoj a výrazná farebnosť a deformované postavy sa vzpierajú tradičnému vnímaniu krásy. Schiele najprv pod...
11.35 €
Imagine a setting in which a man wearing a dress might be as habitual as a woman in trousers. Where a woman exposing herself in public wasn't sexy, but as creepy as a male flasher. Where professional status and success presented the same prospects for both...
12.83 €
Yang Liu uses her wonderfully apt pictograms to display the discordances between American and European customs with wit and wisdom. In Europe meets USA she captures her own experiences of living on both sides of the Atlantic, twinkling a fresh light onto the...
12.83 €
Curate your home. Print Set Matisse, Cut-Outs. This inspiring print set offers sixteen designs to transform a blank wall into a personalized display. Each set of sixteen images has been specially selected from the TASCHEN collection as the most loved, and most...
14.2 €
For six years Sebastiao Salgado traveled the Brazilian Amazon and photographed the unparalleled beauty of this extraordinary region: the rainforest, the rivers, the mountains, the people who live there—this irreplaceable treasure of humanity in which the immense...
15.68 €
In November 2020, Depeche Mode were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, and Dave Gahan, accepting the honour, said: "I'd like to thank Anton Corbijn who thank God came in at the right time and actually made us look cool." Also in the fall of 2020, TASCHEN...
15.68 €
The revered tradition of botanical illustration dates back to the Renaissance. It emerged from the desire to catalog nature in its unpredictable splendor, and the process demanded the most precise and talented of artists. With a remarkable skill that captured...
15.68 €
Andy Warhol was a relentless chronicler of life and its encounters. Carrying a Polaroid camera from the late 1950s until his death in 1987, he amassed a huge collection of instant pictures of friends, lovers, patrons, the famous, the obscure, the scenic, the...
15.68 €
Helmut Newton's unforgettable images, at once sophisticated and provocative, constitute a rich and ever-relevant artistic legacy. This book presents a compact but wide-ranging and impactful portfolio of his work, supported by an insightful introduction and...
15.68 €