178975–178992 z 179788 výsledkov


Jedinečná publikácia, ktorá zahŕňa komplexný prehľad ochorení ošípaných, s ktorými sa môžu chovatelia na Slovensku stretnúť. Autor na 982 stranách rozoberá príčiny ochorení, diagnostiku, prognózy, možnosti prevencie, terapiu a možnosti liečby ochorení ošípaných....
60.8 €
Vydanie obsahuje označenie jednotlivých biblických kníh – praktické palcové indexátory, ktoré umožnia rýchle vyhľadanie príslušnej knihy. V skromnom zozname slovenských katolíckych prekladov Biblie má preklad Antona Boteka výnimočné miesto. Autor na ňom pracoval...
60.8 €
Turistický sprievodca Slovenskom, v ktorom nájdete 321 nádherných miest na Slovensku na 700 plne farebných stranách rozdelených do 22 prekrásnych kapitol, ktoré mapujú slovenské turistické regióny. Vďaka knihe objavíte: 29 hradov a zámkov 41 zrúcanín hradov...
60.8 €
Sent by the French government to examine the American prison system, Alexis de Tocqueville spent nine months touring the United States between 1831 and 1832. However, fascinated by the success of America’s democratic system, de Tocqueville took advantage of...
61 €
A Big Green Egg igazi legendának számít a BBQ-szakértők körében nagy teljesítményének és a NASA technológiával készülő különleges kerámiának köszönhetően. Napról-napra egyre többen fedezik fel az EGG sokszínűségét és praktikusságát, és a profik, illetve a BBQ...
61.28 €
Josh Niland, a tengeri halak világszerte elismert szakértője a halak elkészítésének forradalmian újszerű látásmódját mutatja be a Hal, mindenestül című könyvében. A neves ausztrál séf mindent megkérdőjelez, amit eddig tudni véltünk a beszerzéstől kezdve a feldolgozáson,...
61.28 €
Egy férfi és az órája között eltéphetetlen kötelék feszül Paul Newman Rolex Daytonája, amelyet feleségétől, Joanne Woodwardtól kapott. Wally Schirra űrhajós Omega Speedmastere, az első óra a világon, amely megjárta a Holdat. Sylvester Stallone arany Submarinere,...
61.28 €
Rozsáhlá publikace podrobně zpracovává problematiku pozemkového vlastnictví z pohledu zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., nového občanského zákoníku, a aktuálních předpisů počínaje výkladem základních pojmů i nových principů, které přinesl občanský zákoník (zásada superficies...
61.47 €
A beautiful showcase of Johann Doppelmayr's magnificent Atlas Coelestis that deconstructs its intricately drawn plates and explores its influential ideas. Showcasing Johann Doppelmayr's magnificent 1742 map of the cosmos, Atlas Coelestis, this spectacular guide...
61.7 €
A fabulous typographic exploration of the letter forms and typography of one of Europe’s leading design studios. Letters from M/M (Paris) is a comprehensive study of the typefaces produced by Michaël Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak since they founded their...
61.7 €
The essential survey showcasing the work of more than 300 modern and contemporary artists born or based in Latin America. Latin American artists have gained increasing international prominence as the art world awakens to the area’s extraordinary art scenes...
61.7 €
A compact edition of this landmark publication, which celebrates humanity's ability to create buildings that for millennia have responded ingeniously to cultural and environmental conditions. There has never been a more important time to understand how to make...
61.7 €
Join two of the world's most celebrated designers, Paolo Moschino and Philip Vergeylen, as they throw open the doors to their enchanting renovated home in the English countryside Entertaining in town and country is an essential part of the life and work of...
61.7 €
From two of the world’s leading experts on watch collecting, this supremely elegant and informative selection of one hundred watches traces the timepiece’s evolution as it highlights unusual, important, and beautifully crafted watches of the past half a millennium....
61.7 €
A vibrant survey of the trends and talents across the globe fuelling street photography today and a fresh take of what street photography is and can be. A world tour of the very best street photography today, Reclaim the Street showcases work by more than 100...
61.7 €
Magnum Photos and two rising artists from Korea and China were commissioned to celebrate a modern portrait of what family means today. Bringing together the world of Parisian fashion brand AMI with the singular vision of photographers from the internationally...
61.7 €
Exclusive living retreats set against the backdrop of majestic peaks, steep slopes and picturesque valleys The chalet is a building style that enjoys lasting popularity all over the world. Dating back to the herdsman’s hut in the Alpine region, it became a...
61.7 €
English File's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking.English File fourth edition has built on tried and trusted methodology and contains uniquely motivating lessons and activities that encourage students to discuss topics...
61.74 €