The Silver Spoon Pasta

37 €

The definitive collection of pasta recipes featuring this most iconic and popular Italian ingredient from the experts at the prestigious Silver Spoon Kitchen Pasta is the perfect food. Low cost, healthy, and tasty, its versatility makes it a regular feature on home dining tables as well as on the most sophisticated of restaurant menus, either dressed with just one or two ingredients, or with more elaborate sauces. Showcasing 46 different pasta types in more than 300 – recipes from classics such as Penne Arrabbiata and Spaghetti Carbonara, to more ambitious dishes such as Soufflé of Capellini and Linguine with Lobster – this is the ultimate guide to cooking pasta the Italian way. Organised by pasta type, it also includes easy-to-follow instructions for making your own fresh pasta, sections on dried and fresh, long and short, cut and filled pasta, and entries on the Italian origins of many ingredients. The Silver Spoon is known throughout the world as the authoritative voice on Italian cuisine and the leading Italian culinary resource – this book is the perfect guide to the most Italian of ingredients.

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