100 Years of Ágnes Keleti - Sándor Dávid,Dobor Dezső

16.87 €

A high-circulation newspaper once called her „the eighth wonder of the world”, though not at the time when she was a shining star of the gymnastics world, but decades later, when as a grown woman, she taught gymnastics, and trained young people. Even so, no one challenged this rather exaggerated description. Winning five Olympic gold medals, her gymnastic talent raised Ágnes Keleti to Olympian heights, but it was her life as a whole and her caring personality that made her deserving of all the recognition she later received from around the world. Those who had seen the always improving Ágnes performing gymnastics at least once will never forget this graceful female figure - whose movements were comparable to a musical performance, the harmony of power and ease almost turned her into a supernatural phenomenon. And those who have met the intelligent and well-prepared trainer and college teacher will never forget the effect she had on her students with her deep affection for the subject, her stimulating presentations, and, if needed, her practical demonstrations. In spite of all of these positives, the life of the Holocaust survivor Ágnes Keleti has been full of suffering. Thanks to her strong spirit, she has always managed to get through these hard times, and found a way out which finally led to happiness. She has lived her life in two countries: she won her Olympic and World Championship gold medals for her birth homeland, Hungary, until the events of the Revolution of 1956; and after the age of 40, she gave birth to two great sons in her chosen homeland, Israel. She had worked in this country for decades and finally earned the proud title of „the creator of gymnastics of Israel”.   The Authors, who have commentated on innumerable events at several Olympic Games, strived to thoroughly and tactfully document the life of Ágnes Keleti to produce a volume that would be worthy of this exceptional gymnast as she approaches her 100th birthday. Currently, Ágnes Keleti is the oldest living Olympic champion of the world.    

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