3 Nutritious Specialty Cucurbits - Jose Ciiju Roby

0.86 €

Scientific name of spine gourd is Momordica dioica. Spine gourd is a cucurbitaceous vegetable which is closely related to bitter gourd. However, it is not bitter in taste as bitter gourd. As in case of other cucurbitaceous vegetables (cucurbits) which mainly include melons and gourds, spine gourd is also grown as a summer vegetable in tropical and subtropical countries.Zucchini is a type of summer squash grown as a summer vegetable for its tender, edible long fruits. It is the most popular, widely grown and economically important summer squash vegetable. Scientific name of zucchini is Cucurbita pepo.Gherkins are known as ‘small cucumbers’ as it belongs to the same family as cucumber. Scientific name of gherkin is same as that of cucumber i.e. Cucumis sativus, but cultivar is different. Gherkin is a cucurbitaceous plant grown for its small, prickly, cylindrical green fruits which are with thin green rinds and white flesh. Gherkin is a tropical gourd plant and is climbing in growth habit. Small immature fruits of gherkins are used for pickling and hence it is commonly called as pickling cucumber.

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Scientific name of spine gourd is Momordica dioica. Spine gourd is a cucurbitaceous vegetable which is closely related to bitter gourd. However, it is not bitter in taste as bitter gourd. As in case of other cucurbitaceous vegetables (cucurbits) which mainly...
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