An Astrologer’s Notes - Borsch Tatiana

5.04 €

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be able to forecast the future? This is precisely what a professional astrologer does every day of their working life. People turn to astrology for different reasons, sometimes out of curiosity, even for fun, but most people discover astrology when they do not know where else to turn, and then they find themselves entrusting the astrologer with their most personal problems and most intimate secrets. The astrologer who usually knows nothing about the client beforehand must rely solely on the principles of the ancient art and the position of the planets to guide them. The author, a renowned Russian astrologer with more than 30 years of experience, shares insights into the influence of the planets in our lives drawing on the striking stories of clients with whom she worked during the so-called ‘turbulent 90s’ both in her native Republic of Kyrgyzstan and later in Moscow. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Renowned Russian astrologer Tatiana Borsch has been a trusted name for over 30 years. Her most recent fulfilled forecast was in 2019, when she accurately predicted the global economic crisis and sudden events of 2020 - also referenced in her article for SWAAY Magazine. Her extensive writing career began in 1992 with the release of her Annual Horoscope, and she now has over 30 astrological publications. Tatiana is a frequent guest on various TV shows and writes astrological columns for numerous publications. She is also the founder of the AstraArt production company that has produced more than 150 documentary films since 2002. She has received multiple awards for these films and was broadcast across Russia and other countries.

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