Awakening Your Inner Gifts - Wali Waugh Dave

14.75 €

Natural Gifts are innate resources within each of us. When we give these Gifts to meet a meaningful need in the world, we live with greater wellness, joy, and a deep sense of meaning and purpose. Each of us is born with the seeds of these Natural Gifts within us. However, many people are not aware of their existence... and so these seeds lie dormant and unfulfilled. The Natural Gifts Society’s mission is to assist in the awakening of one’s Natural Gifts so each of us can live with more joy, passion, fulfillment, meaning and purpose. The Society does this with a ‘map’ to orient the discovery process. For the joy of greater Meaning and Purpose, one would rest into their True Nature, discover their Essential Qualities and Natural Gifts, clear any Personality Resistances and give their Gifts to a Meaningful Need they see in the world. These Natural Gifts are part of our True Nature, and Awaken Your Inner Gifts is one way we can honour the essence in our self and in others.

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