Bonfire - David Autere

5.32 €

The Tsar of Russia is furious. He is not mad, Vladimir Putin has his reasons. Reasons few know about.This book gives an exclusive insight into Vladimir Putin's mindset, what he has against the United States and NATO and why is Ukraine that important for Mother Russia. It guides the reader into the shady realm of geopolitical competition; false-flag operations and cruel battles behind the scenes, all wrapped into the fire of Eastern European history.Step by step, the truth is uncovered, and it becomes clear why the Tsar of Russia is furious and what he is capable of doing when cornered. And he is indeed in the corner. Things are not going well in Ukraine and Belarus for Russia, and a new economic crisis is at the door. Written in 2019, this book reads like a prophecy in 2022. Vladimir Putin is on the path of revenge, which may dig two graves. The grave of the West, and the grave of Russia.The sequel of The Fury of the Tsar - Bonfire, The Fury of the Tsar - Vicious Circle is coming in March 2022.“I ignored meetings, calls, and impeachment hearings to devour this book. For any reader who values history, enjoys fiction, and follows East-West power politics, this book is a mesmerizing tour de force. Part intelligence briefing, part cinema verité, it’s a powerful, unnerving ride.” Victor Gaetan (The American Spectator)“A controversial, thought-provoking, insightful, yet entertaining book. A new Tom Clancy is born.” Dario Quintavalle (Limes)The author, Dr. Attila Demkó is a Hungarian security policy expert, writer (under the pen name David Autere), and former defense official and diplomat.

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