Dash Diet - Walker Celine

2.61 €

DASH has been Around a While and Has Proven Results The DASH diet was created to help the 70 Million plus Americans that suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure. This book contains information about foods and how this program can help lower blood pressure and the risk for certain diseases. The DASH acronym means Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Originally, this diet was supposed to be a weight loss diet but creators found it had other benefits as well. Almost 1 in 3 adults now have raised blood pressure and almost 1 in 2 is overweight. Those numbers are staggering, but unfortunately, no one can fix them without their own initiative.  The diet was designed by a group of doctors, scientists, and with the support of many professional organizations like the ADA. The diet was so good, in fact, that they decided that it was actually adopted as the model way to eat! It's not only those with blood pressure issue that can benefit. Diabetics and even children have shown great improvements while following the guidelines.  So, how does it work? DASH is designed to provide higher levels of certain nutrients and lower levels of others. The most important part of the DASH approach is limiting sodium, which is an easy restriction to follow for most people and simple common sense. The hardest part about sodium for the average dieter is staying away from the hidden sources like dressings and in processed foods.  The focus on the diet is whole foods and an overall healthier lifestyle which aims to make people feel younger and improve chronic conditions. There are no magic pills, no crazy eating schedule, and the foods are varied and fun. Unlike fad diets, DASH has been around a while and has proven results. Many people are following it right now, and if you're at risk or you want to fix your hypertension, then you should be too! Within this book's pages, you'll find the answers to these questions and more. Just some of the questions and topics covered include - What Are You Eating? - Weight, Hypertension, and the Sodium Link - DASH phases - Starting with DASH - Recipes - And much more! Get the book now to learn more about DASH Diet!

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