Done Being Single - Treva Brandon Scharf

28.03 €

The Tell-All that Helps All: You’re Never too Old, and It’s Never Too Late Treva Brandon Scharf paid her dues in the dating world. She survived countless romances, relationships, boyfriends, breakups, heartaches, and heartbreaks. She loved and lost, dumped and got dumped, and finally became a first-time bride at the age of 51. Scharf, a gifted blogger and writer, is ready to share all the juicy details of her long road to the altar. Her debut book is part self-help/dating advice, part-memoir, and 100% delightful. If you can stop laughing long enough, you’ll realize you’ve just met a one-of-a-kind force of nature who has managed to acquire an invaluable store of knowledge on life, love, and personal growth. Done Being Single: A Late Bloomer’s Guide to Love is a universal source of inspiration and practical advice. It doesn’t matter if you’re a late bloomer or early blossomer; male or female; single or partnered; millennial or midlifer. It doesn’t matter if you’re divorced, widowed, new on the market, stuck in dating hell, dreaming of getting married, or just dreaming of getting laid, there’s something for everyone. If you’re freaking out in your 20s, hyperventilating in your 30s, living a life of not-so-quiet desperation in your 40s (like Treva was), or needing a jump start in your 50s and beyond, she's got you covered. As a late bloomer, here’s what she's discovered: You don’t need to have it all figured out by a certain age. There’s no date to be married by or deadline for achievement. Just because you don’t hit your benchmarks in a timely fashion?or hit them at all?doesn’t make you a failure; it just makes you you. Even if you’re not technically a late bloomer, there’s always time to become who you really are or want to be. But the truth is, everyone is a late bloomer in some way. We’re all works in progress, and the learning, growing, and evolving never stops. Remember?your timeline is yours and yours alone, and you’ll bloom when you’re ready. The amazing thing is that once you do start blooming and see your talent, creativity, power, and potential begin to blossom, you’ll realize you had it in you the whole time. Some other things she discovered as a late bloomer are: Life doesn’t come with a grand plan, but if you’ve got one, follow it. You don’t need a vision of your future, but if you see it, keep it in your mind’s eye. You don’t need a road map, but if you have life GPS, use it. The only thing you need to do is be proactive. So start now. Go now. Launch now. Reinvent now. Bloom now. Envision the person you want to be and go be it.

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