Ezine Travel Guide - Avci Halil Ersin,Ersin Avci Halil

17.01 €

Ezine is a small city located on the western tip of Turkey. But many important events in world history took place here. For example, the Trojan Wars took place in Ezine. Alexandria-Troas mentioned in the Bible is in Ezine. St.Paul visited the city three times and this is described in the Bible. Many of the early Ottoman works are in Ezine. Ezine, with its wonderful nature and beaches, is a must-see place for those who plan excursions for both culture and nature. We are here with our brand new guide series, where you can visit safely without getting lost and see all the most. How about a completely different travel guide, a completely different trip? If you're tired of guides telling only places in the form of catalogs, you're in the right place. In this guide, from "Ezine cheese" to mysterious ancient cities, everything about Ezine. From Alexandria-Troas to Neandria, from the first Christians to the Republic of Turkey, from Geyikli to Dalyan, from ancient times to the present day, you are invited to enjoy a trip. Traveling has never been so easy and enjoyable.

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