Girl, Goddess, Queen - Bea Fitzgerald

16.1 €

The feminist myths of Madeline Miller meet the #spice of Sarah J. Maas (with a hefty slice of Bridgerton's sexy, witty banter) in this fierce, fresh and enormously fun YA fantasy retelling from a growing TikTok superstar To hell with love, this goddess has other plans... Thousands of years ago, the gods told a lie: how Persephone was a pawn in the politics of other gods. How Hades kidnapped Persephone to be his bride. How her mother, Demeter, was so distraught she caused the Earth to start dying. The real story is much more interesting. Persephone wasn't taken to hell: she jumped. There was no way she was going to be married off to some smug god more in love with himself than her. Now all she has to do is convince the Underworld's annoyingly sexy, arrogant and frankly rude ruler, Hades, to fall in line with her plan. A plan that will shake Mount Olympus to its very core. But consequences can be deadly, especially when you're already in hell ...

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