Goya - Kolektív autorov

83.6 €

Some of today's finest artists--from Etel Adnan to Glenn Ligon--pay tribute to the Spanish master's lasting influence On the occasion of the Goya exhibition organized by the Fondation Beyeler in collaboration with the Museo Nacional del Prado, Cahiers d'Art, under the direction of Staffan Ahrenberg, Sam Keller, Hans Ulrich Obrist and Isabela Mora, presents an issue composed of contributions by leading artists. These artists have been invited to pay tribute to the great Spanish master through a series of previously unpublished contributions reflecting on the ongoing influence of Goya's work in modern and contemporary art, and its resonance with our times. Ever Goya features 26 contemporary artists with an extraordinary variety of contributions, from drawings to poems, photographs and entire series. It also includes a comprehensive essay on Goya's significance by Manuela B. Mena Marqués and texts by Donatien Grau, Manthia Diawara and Terri Geis. The cover features a film still from Philippe Parreno's new film, shot at night inside the Prado in the closest possible proximity to the "Black Paintings."

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