Ice - Kolektív autorov

18 €

On the bleak polar ice caps, high on windswept mountains, and deep below frozen seas, come face-to-face with one of Earth's greatest resources: ice. Discover how animals, plants, and humans survive in these icy realms. Watch glaciers form, witness icebergs calve, and shiver with the great polar explorers in this amazing journey through the world's most beautiful but threatened ecosystems. Packed with stunning CGIs, illustrations, and photography, Ice will take you on a frosty expedition to explore how icy worlds are created, how life clings on in these harsh environments, and the impact of climate change. See how people and other animals use and interact with ice. Travel from the ice age to modern day and walk with mighty mammoths, patrol with leopard seals, roam the treeless tundra, and navigate the treacherous Northwest Passage. Ice shows you extraordinary frozen worlds and the animals, plants, and humans that make them their home.

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