Intuitive Tarot - Learn The Tarot Instantly - Wallace Kelly

2.53 €

If you've always wanted to read the tarot but find it difficult to remember the traditional meanings or simply want to find your own unique way to read them, Intuitive Tarot - Read the Tarot Instantly will help you do just that. Whether you're looking for your soulmate, a new career, wondering if you should move or could travel, or need to solve a problem, the tarot can help. Regardless if your current goal or situation is large or small, by learning to intuitively read these cards you'll have the answers you seek. Tarot cards are meant to trigger your own intuition and I fully believe that everyone can and should learn to read for themselves. This form of divination should never come with a one-size-fits-all type of guidance since everyone and every situation is different. What you see in the cards will be completely different than what someone else may see—and this is how it's supposed to be. I'll teach you to read the cards intuitively, so you can reap the many benefits of their hidden messages. Very soon, you could even read for others and help offer guidance to friends, relatives, and clients. I've also included several exercises that will help you strengthen your intuition, get to know your cards better, predict future events, uncover obstacles that hold you back, and learn how to recognize opportunities and higher guidance when it comes your way. I look forward to helping you along on your spiritual journey!

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