
Robert Browning’s popular poems The Pied Piper of Hamelin and How They Brought the Good News are often anthologised, but it is in his dramatic lyrics such as My Last Duchess and the chilling Porphyria’s Lover that his poetic genius shines. Browning, with his...
6.5 €
Audiobook The Great Poets – Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in collaboration with his friend William Wordsworth, revolutionised English poetry; in 1798 they produced their Lyrical Ballads, poems of imagination and reflection using ‘the language...
6.5 €
Audiobook The Great Poets – Francesco Petrarch. This 14th-century Italian poet was a model for many who followed him. His passionate sonnets to Laura became the epitome for love poetry. Over some 40 years he wrote 366 sonnets to Laura, whom he probably never...
6.5 €
Audiobook The Great Poets – William Blake. Naxos AudioBooks begins its new series of Great Poets – represented by their most popular poems – with William Blake. This collection contains all of his most popular works – Tyger, the Auguries of Innocence, Jerusalem,...
6.5 €
Audiobook The Great Poets – John Keats. Naxos AudioBooks continues its new series of Great Poets – represented by a collection of their most popular poems – with John Keats. Although this man had a short life, he produced a series of outstanding poems – many...
6.5 €
Audiobook The Great Poets – Percy Bysshe Shelley. Idealist, atheist, outcast, political radical and, of course, poet – Percy Bysshe Shelley was, in many ways, the epitome of the Romantic artist. His poetry was an outlet for his passionately-held and highly...
6.5 €
Naxos AudioBooks continues its new series of Great Poets – represented by a collection of their most popular poems on one CD – with W. B. Yeats, one of the most loved poets of the twentieth century. He left a large legacy of outstanding poems, and the finest...
6.5 €
Audiobook Paradise Regained, written by John Milton. In Paradise Regained, Satan again is on the prowl, having successfully tempted Adam and Eve and forced their departure from the Garden of Eden, here he sets out to tempt again – this time Jesus himself as...
8 €
Audiobook Narrow Road to the Interior, Hojoki, written Matsuo Basho and Kamo no Chomei. Japanese poetry is well-known for its clarity and concision, and Narrow Road to the Interior and Hojoki are two of the best-loved, and most intensely Japanese, works of...
8 €
Audiobook The Pardoners Tale written by Geoffrey Chaucer. These three tales from The Canterbury Tales are read in the original Middle English by Richard Bebb under the direction of Britain’s foremost Chaucer scholar, Derek Brewer. This was Bebb’s last recording...
8 €
Audiobook Winter Words, written by Thomas Hardy. This selection of Hardy’s poetry does full justice to its humanity, integrity, humour and evocative power, ranging from charming anthology pieces such as ‘Weathers’ to the great love poems he wrote after the...
8 €
Audiobook Beowulf. The oldest long poem in Old English, written about 1000 A. D. , Beowulf tells the story of a great warrior in Southern Scandinavia in both youth and maturity. The monster Grendel terrorises the Scyldings of Hrothgar’s Danish Kingdom until...
10.5 €
Audiobook The Canterbury Tales II, written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Four more delightful tales from one of the most entertaining storytellers of all time. Though writing in the thirteenth century, Chaucer’s wit and observation comes down undiminished through the...
10.5 €
Audiobook The Canterbury Tales III written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, a collection of narratives written between 1387 and 1400, tells of a group of thirty people from all layers of society who pass the time along their pilgrimage to...
10.5 €
Audiobook The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer’s greatest work, written towards the end of the fourteenth century, paints a brilliant picture of medieval life, society, and values. The stories range from the romantic, courtly idealism...
10.5 €
Audiobook The Inferno, written by Dante. ‘Abandon all hope you who enter here’ (Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch’intrate) Dante’s Hell is one of the most remarkable visions in Western literature. An allegory for his and future ages, it is, at the same time, an...
12.5 €
Audiobook Paradise, written by Dante. I have been in the Heaven that takes up most of his light, and saw things there that those who descend from that height cannot speak of or forget…’ Led by his guide Beatrice, Dante leaves the Earth behind and soars through...
12.5 €
Audiobook Purgatory, written by Dante. Now of that second kingdom I shall sing where human souls are purified of sin and made worthy to ascend to Heaven’ Purgatory is the second part of Dante’s The Divine Comedy ascending the terraces of the Mount of Purgatory...
12.5 €