
Audiobook The Canterbury Tales II, written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Four more delightful tales from one of the most entertaining storytellers of all time. Though writing in the thirteenth century, Chaucer’s wit and observation comes down undiminished through the...
10.5 €
Audiobook The Canterbury Tales III written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, a collection of narratives written between 1387 and 1400, tells of a group of thirty people from all layers of society who pass the time along their pilgrimage to...
10.5 €
Audiobook The Canterbury Tales, written by Geoffrey Chaucer. Chaucer’s greatest work, written towards the end of the fourteenth century, paints a brilliant picture of medieval life, society, and values. The stories range from the romantic, courtly idealism...
10.5 €
Audiobook The 100 greatest poems of three major French authors, Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Paul Verlaine, translated into English with perfect accuracy and elegance, narrated by Katie Haigh and Paul Edwards. Excerpts from Hugo's Contemplations and Autumn Leaves,...
10.99 €
"The Lady of the Lake" (1810) is a narrative poem set in the vicinity of Loch Katrine, in the Trossach region of Scotland. It is made up of six cantos, each focusing on one day. There’s three main plots to this poem: a competition between three men for the...
10.99 €
Audiobook The Inferno, written by Dante. ‘Abandon all hope you who enter here’ (Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch’intrate) Dante’s Hell is one of the most remarkable visions in Western literature. An allegory for his and future ages, it is, at the same time, an...
12.5 €
Audiobook Paradise, written by Dante. I have been in the Heaven that takes up most of his light, and saw things there that those who descend from that height cannot speak of or forget…’ Led by his guide Beatrice, Dante leaves the Earth behind and soars through...
12.5 €
Audiobook Purgatory, written by Dante. Now of that second kingdom I shall sing where human souls are purified of sin and made worthy to ascend to Heaven’ Purgatory is the second part of Dante’s The Divine Comedy ascending the terraces of the Mount of Purgatory...
12.5 €
Audiobook The Song of Roland. It is the year 778. The mighty French army, led by Emperor Charlemagne, confronts Saracen forces in the bloody Battle of Roncevaux Pass. In the course of this thrilling epic poem we follow the emperor’s hot-headed nephew Roland...
12.5 €
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is a fascinating portrait of 19th-century Europe, disillusioned and ravaged by the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. The protagonist, whose breathtaking journey echoes Byron’s own life story, plunges into the exciting unknown: the...
12.5 €
Audiokniha Spev o mne, ktorú napísal Walt Whitman. Báseň, skladajúca sa z 1336 veršov, pôvodne nemala názov. Táto úvodná skladba dostala v druhom vydaní v roku 1856 názov Báseň Američana Walta Whitmana, vo vydaní z roku 1881 sa po prvý raz objavil názov Spev...
13.9 €
B. J. Harrison does not tire of the adventurous and mysterious settings in his choice of narratives. This time, the horror element is a bit subdued, though Edgar Allan Poe makes up for the lost thrills with his haunting poems "The Raven", "Annabel Lee", and...
22.99 €
Apart from the ubiquitous presence of the authors who work in the short story tradition, the Second Season introduces poems and novellas. The romantic poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge is here with his haunting and supernatural sea adventure "The Rime of the Ancient...
22.99 €
Audiobook Idylls of the King written by Alfred - Lord Tennyson. Lovers of legends know that this is the finest retelling of the story of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table; lovers of literature know that this is the greatest of all 19th- century...
26 €
The greatest of all the medieval romances about the Holy Grail, Parzival was written in the early 13th century. The narrative describes the quest of the Arthurian knight, Parzival, for the Holy Grail. His journey is filled with incident, from tournaments and...
37 €