2467–2484 z 2515 výsledkov


Miyamoto Musashi's Go Rin no Sho or the book of five rings, is considered a classic treatise on military strategy, much like Sun Tzu's The Art of War and Chanakya's Arthashastra. The five "books" refer to the idea that there are different elements of battle,...
0.91 €
"The Call of Cthulhu" is one of H. P. Lovecraft's best-known short stories. Written in the summer of 1926, it was first published in Weird Tales, February 1928. It is the only story written by Lovecraft in which the extraterrestrial entity Cthulhu himself makes...
0.91 €
The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles advocating the ratification of the United States Constitution. Seventy-seven of the essays were published serially in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between October 1787 and August 1788. A compilation...
0.91 €
Last and First Men: A Story of the Near and Far Future is a science fiction novel written in 1930 by the British author Olaf Stapledon. A work of unprecedented scale in the genre, it describes the history of humanity from the present onwards across two billion...
0.91 €
“Music is a fundamental channel of communication: through music people can share emotions, intentions and thoughts even though their spoken languages may be mutually incomprehensible.” (Hargreaves – Miell – McDonald, 2002) It can be...
0.96 €
The Apology of Socrates, by the philosopher Plato (429–347 BC), was one of many explanatory apologia about Socrates’s legal defence against accusations of corruption and impiety; most apologia were published in the decade after the Trial of Socrates (399 BC)....
0.96 €
Die Handlung des Romans spielt während der Griechischen Revolution in den 1820er Jahren. Das Osmanische Reich unterdrückt die Griechen und verkauft Gefangene an Länder in Nordafrika. In diesem Umfeld beginnen sich die Griechen gegen ihre Unterdrücker zu wehren,...
1.41 €
In der Nähe des Kap Hoorn am südlichen Ende von Südamerika befindet sich auf der argentinischen Insel Isla de los Estados (Staateninsel) ein Leuchtturm. Dieser wird von einer Besatzung betrieben, die im Vierteljahresrythmus ausgewechselt wird. Die Insel ist...
1.54 €
Der französische Minen-Ingenieur Cyprien Méré reist nach Afrika, um in die dortigen Diamantenminen Arbeit zu suchen. In den Minen arbeiten Minenarbeiter aus aller Ländern der Welt unter schweren Bedingungen. Schwarze Minenarbeiter machen den Hauptteil der schweren...
1.66 €
Dick Sands the Boy Captain was written in the year 1878 by Jules Verne. This book is one of the most popular novels of Jules Verne, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young...
1.79 €
In 1922, F. Scott Fitzgerald announced his decision to write "something new--something extraordinary and beautiful and simple + intricately patterned." That extraordinary, beautiful, intricately patterned, and above all, simple novel became The Great Gatsby,...
1.82 €
Der Millionär William W. Kolderup ersteigert in San Francisco in einem Duell mit seinem Konkurrenten J. R. Taskinar aus Stockton für die Summe von 4.000.000 Dollar die Insel Spencer, die 862 km vor der Küste Kaliforniens liegt. Kolderup plant, seine sechzehnjährige...
1.92 €
Joam Garral grants his daughter's wish to travel to Belém where she wants to marry Manuel Valdez in the presence of Manuel's invalid mother. The Garrals travel down the Amazon River using a giant timber raft. At Belém, Joam plans to restore his good name, as...
2.05 €
Der französische Ich-Erzähler wartet auf dem damaligen Theaterplatz (heutiger Rathenauplatz) von Frankfurt am Main vergeblich auf drei Stadtverordnete, die an seiner Ballonfahrt teilnehmen wollten. Aufgrund der enttäuschten Zuschauer, die dem Start entgegenfiebern,...
2.18 €
Die belgische Kleinstadt Quiquendone, besteht seit 800 Jahren, hat 2393 Einwohner und liegt 15,25 km südöstlich von Brügge in Flandern an der Vaar, einem Nebenfluss der Schelde. Von dem Naturwissenschaftler Dr. Ox wird sie wegen des phlegmatischen Charakters...
2.3 €
Facing the Flag or For the Flag is a patriotic novel by Jules Verne. Like The Begum's Millions which Verne published in 1879 , it has the theme of France and the entire world threatened by a super-weapon (what would now be called a weapon of mass destruction)...
2.43 €
There is in every human being a sense which is not generally recognized as such, although nearly every person has had more or less experience regarding its workings. I refer to the sense of the presence of other living things, separate and apart from the operation...
2.56 €
A scholar, Dr. Samuel Ferguson, accompanied by his manservant Joe and his friend Richard "Dick" Kennedy, sets out to travel across the African continent — still not fully explored — with the help of a hot-air balloon filled with hydrogen.
2.56 €