Ezoterika - ostatné

A new way of seeing llife from a different perspective. It makes us able to handle setback and to move on with our lives.
0.84 €
Surreal Love is Gila’s first poetry book emerging from her womb space. Poems dive into her loving heart and trusting soul. Writing her mystical poems helped her find her voice and heal her pain of heartbreak and loss. Each poem takes you through vivid images,...
0.86 €
Relieve Stress and Reduce Pain through Reflexology Techniques This book contains everything that you need to know so that you can perform reflexology not only on yourself but on others as well. In this book, you are going to learn: - What reflexology is and...
2.61 €
A címben feltett kérdésre sokak számára a tapasztalat már megadta a pozitív választ.Különös, hogy ugyanakkor a tudományos világ szemében ezek az emberek vagy a véletlennek köszönhetik gyógyulásukat, vagy csak képzelik, hogy jobban vannak.A projektív geometria...
3.38 €
A Soulful Story for Nature Lovers of All Ages This is the story about a relationship between an insect and a human being. It is a story of serendipity and delight, respect and wonder, and the ultimate understanding that we are all truly connected by an invisible...
4.2 €
This is a study on the relation between Quantum Theoretical principles and the theological basis of Christian concept of creation by YHVH and the interaction between these. Can man have freewill alongside of a Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God?
4.36 €
A personal journey through instinct, intuition, research and revelation. “I died on the 17thJuly 1996 – life became very interesting after that.” Suddenly, in the middle of a car accident I found myself with Jesus, Archangel Uriel, and a third spiritual presence...
5.33 €
Coming Home to Myself is a gentle book for anyone who wants to start self love journey. This book is perfect for those who are at the beginning of their own self-love journey and want a simple yet thorough guide to explain what self-love really is and how to...
8.14 €
Have you ever wanted to live a truly awesome life? In this compelling guide to fearless, creative living, Tae Yun Kim, a martial arts great grandmaster, shows that no matter what your age or background, culture or career, you don't have to settle for anything...
10.14 €
„Aki a méhen belül elvesztette az ikrét, az azzal tölti az életét, hogy újra és újra színpadra állítsa az ikre életét és halálát. Semmi sem fontosabb számára, mint ez – még maga az élete sem. Ha egyszer fény derül arra, hogy mi történt a születése előtt, mi...
11.24 €
Based on true events and authentic Taoist teachings. What are the hidden secrets of internal martial arts? What forgotten wisdom does the philosophy of Taoism hold? How can ancient knowledge be applied to better our mental, physical and spiritual health in...
12.08 €
After her successful book MIND-SPACE-METHOD, this time author Kata Trom tells us about the exciting transition between our physical and spiritual spaces. What does our home tell us? Why did we put the furniture where it is now? What is the floor plan and equipment...
13.49 €
MIND-SPACE-METHOD fills a gap in today's demand since it does not fall into line with albums created by mainstream international authors that introduce us to current trends in interior design and furnishing. By invoking our spirit it offers a new context for...
13.49 €