Odborná a populárno-náučná literatúra

A peek at life through a microscope is a book that highlights the important matters of life that tend to be overlooked when they actually require our maximum and undivided attention. These matters include: self-love, apologies, religion, rape, gratitude, gossip,...
0.14 €
Ki volt Jézus Krisztus?V olt 2 különböző ember, akit Jézusnak hívtak?1 - Jézus Krisztus, a Messiás2 - Jézus, a forradalmi terroristaJézus Krisztus volt az egyik legfontosabb ember a Tartaria néven ismert civilizációban? A történészek és szövetségeseik azt mondták,...
0.5 €
Az Útmutató az NFT befektetésekhez című könyvben Wayne Walker befektetési szerző átfogó betekintést nyújt az NFT-ökoszisztémába. Olyan hatékony befektetési stratégiákat oszt meg, amelyeket a kezdő és a haladó piaci szereplők egyaránt használhatnak. Megismerheti...
0.97 €
Gone are the days, when slow but steady was the winner. Now, fast and steady is the winner. A fast and on right track reader accumulates all requires for a successful life and I am sure that is what you want to be. Many top institutions in the world are advising...
1.18 €
Certified Professional Career Coach and Official Member of the Forbes Coaches Council, Garrison Leykam doesn’t just believe that everyone is capable of creating their own second act careers. This AARP card-carrying motorcyclist and “career chameleon” has proved...
1.74 €
Percorso informativo riguardo la concezione dell'arte e dei simboli nel buddhismo. Dal Tibet al Giappone, dai mandala alle cerimonie del te, passando per i giardini zen.
1.97 €
Alla scoperta delle tradizioni siciliane. Libro informativo riguardo le diverse tradizioni, usi e costumi storici o divertenti, tra il sacro ed il profano, i quali da secoli si tramandano in ogni provincia dell'isola. Santi, ricette, proverbi, storie e storielle.
1.97 €
Saggio su storie e tradizioni della terra di Sicilia. Castelli, simboli, storia, miti e leggende delle singole citta siciliane.
1.97 €
Libro informativo riguardo la storia della regione Sicilia. Una ricerca personale compiuta per di delineare la situazione economico-politica dell'isola, tra il presente e il passato. Puo la Sicilia considerarsi una terra autonoma?
1.97 €
Grace Harrington is a lawyer in Boston. Her career is advancing as expected. That is the only thing in her life that is going according to plan. And Grace has begun to wonder if the career success is something to feel happy about or something she has used to...
2.25 €
The New Investing Matrix explores investing in the most comprehensive way possible. Wayne shares how to systematically create an investment action plan that goes beyond the traditional stocks and bonds investment strategies.Investing is looked at from different...
2.49 €
Az elismert befektetési szerző, Wayne Walker bizonyított és nagyon jövedelmező módszerekről számol be az Útmutató a Bitcoin és a Kriptopénz Működésének Elsajátításához...
2.51 €
Wayne continua il viaggio dal primo libro. Per i nuovi o piu esperti imprenditori, spieghera passo dopo passo e in dettaglio come fare o come continuare il passaggio dal lavoro tradizionale e creare un'impresa con reddito sufficiente per perseguire i propri...
2.53 €
Say goodbye to your boss. Say goodbye to your alarm clock and say welcome to financial freedom.Now it’s the best time to get started with declaring your financial independence and earning an income online. Why wait or delay with what you always had in mind....
2.59 €
Dieses Buch erklärt in einer klaren, nüchternen Art und Weise die bewährten gewinnbringenden Strategien für den Handel mit Futures. Sie werden lernen, die Inter-Market-Analyse zu nutzen und Trades mit geringem Risiko und hohem Gewinn zu machen. Das Buch deckt...
2.59 €
Impara le tecniche utilizzate dai trader professionisti e di successo. Questi concetti sono stati testati e supportati dai clienti che hanno partecipato alle sue lezioni. Contenuto Bonus: Strategie di Trading di Notizie Forex, Concetti delta e Altre Tattiche...
2.59 €
Aprenda las técnicas que utilizan los traders profesionales y de éxito. Estos conceptos han sido probados y respaldados por los alumnos de sus clases. Contenido extra: Estrategias de forex trading con noticias, los conceptos del Delta y mucha más información...
2.6 €
Learn How To Save And Rebuild Your Connection, Trust, Communication And Intimacy This book has actionable steps and strategies on how to save your marriage and build trust, communication and intimacy."And they lived happily ever after"That sounds like something...
2.61 €