Rodičovstvo, rodina

Mi a szeretet? Egy baleset a fagyos valóság lavinájaként sodorja magával a fiatal nőt, aki odaadó feleség s anya szerepét tölti be. Kétségbeesve küzd felszínen maradni, azonban a magány szürkeségbe rántja... s onnan, hogyan tovább? Hallja valaki néma sikolyait?...
0.28 €
'If your relationship is so bad, why don't you just leave them?' 'If you were in such an abusive relationship, why did you stay with them for so long?' 'If you knew you were in a relationship with such a toxic person, why didn't you ask people for help?' If...
1.12 €
In order to overcome a narcissistic relationship, there are two ways out: be discarded for the final time from the narcissist, or go no contact and cut yourself away from your abuser. Neither option is pretty, and I can't deny that both are painful. However,...
1.69 €
Každá mama rozmýšľa, čo by mohla v tejto dobe podniknúť, ako zabaviť malé detičky, keď sme všetci už celé mesiace doma, ako im nahradiť škôlku a iné deti, ako s nimi stráviť pekný čas a "nezblázniť" sa. Ako zabaviť deti v predškolskom veku je zbierka nápadov...
1.99 €
About the Book: Mery- I am no Buddha, and I don't wish to be. Som- I am not offering you enlightenment. I am offering you the ultimate goal of existence, enormous happiness that you desire no more. Mery- Then why is everyone running after enlightenment? Som-...
2.48 €
Understanding what your man fantasize about sexually goes a long way to help you know how to satisfy him sexually. Amber Roseline with vast experience talking with single and married men and asking them the tough questions has been able to compile 51 Fantasies...
2.51 €
Friendship means liking each other's minds. People who are best friends talk to each other and spend more time together. They trust one another and also help each other when they are in trouble or are hurt at all time. Friends are people that can be looked...
2.54 €
About the book: Sermons Of Love a month long work on proses and poetry of experiences with love and thoughts about it. Filled with proses of heartbreak to finding love. The warmth of that first love to agonising heartbreaks and unsuccessful love stories the...
2.54 €
Do you know why couples quarrel the way they do? In this book, the author highlights the different quarreling styles among couples. You will learn about the rules of revolving arguments between you and your spouse. If you want to know how to handle anger management...
2.59 €
Read this book before getting married. Read this book now that you are married. Learn, How To Apologise To Your Spouse The right Way.
2.59 €
Learn How To Save And Rebuild Your Connection, Trust, Communication And Intimacy This book has actionable steps and strategies on how to save your marriage and build trust, communication and intimacy."And they lived happily ever after"That sounds like something...
2.61 €
About the book:This writing is not written by the imagination of the mind. Rather, it can be said that this writing is based on experience and formed by reason. The contents of this writing are the experiences that I have received from different people in different...
2.62 €
About the book:A daughter suddenly steps into the shoes of being a mother. This book embraces and celebrates the story of every woman who has been through the pregnancy journey. You never know the ups and downs of this journey until you have experienced it...
3.05 €
"Just with its attention to person's body reactions yoga has unique benefits compared to other systems of physical restoration. Even at the gymnastics level, yoga has a compelling component of self-control and self-restraint." Yoga for me is a method of consolidating...
3.33 €
Most people enter into marriage with great excitement of things to come and finally getting the chance to spend the rest of their lives with the person they love. But as years roll by, the most exciting thing about their bedroom become the part they struggle...
3.35 €
Understanding what your man craves for sexually goes a long way in helping you know how to satisfy him sexually. Amber Roseline with vast experience talking with single and married men and asking them the tough questions has been able to compile 30 Things Men...
3.35 €
Want to know to get any girl to orgasm even if you don't last as long as she would have wanted? Get this book today Orgasm the elusive big leg shaking, mind-numbing sensation that happens when you finally get a woman to the high heavens of sexual bliss, oh...
3.35 €
?Alguna vez te has preguntado porqué algunos hombres son inexplicablemente magnéticos con los miembros del sexo opuesto? ?Porqué algunos individuos se ganan el respeto y la admiración de los demás con poco esfuerzo? ?Porqué estos mismos hombres tienden a tener...
3.39 €