How to Go No Contact with a Narcissist - Kozlowski Lauren

1.69 €

In order to overcome a narcissistic relationship, there are two ways out: be discarded for the final time from the narcissist, or go no contact and cut yourself away from your abuser. Neither option is pretty, and I can't deny that both are painful. However, when you claim back your power by making the decision to go no contact, you give yourself the ability to leave the relationship with dignity, newfound self-respect and the makings of a solid foundation to build your future on. This book, penned from my own experience of leaving my abuser and implementing no contact, goes over the following: - Leaving a narcissist - How I left my abuser - How to implement no contact yourself - My first week of no contact - How to maintain no contact when you feel weak - Triangulation and my experiences with this - How to bounce back if you've broken no contact - Affirmations to help you stay strong and maintain firm boundaries This book can be your source of support to help you through the difficult and heartbreaking time you endure at the end of an abusive relationship. Most importantly, however, it will offer you the tools you need to stick with no contact and make sure you gain the strength you need to be consistent.

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