Film - encyklopédie, ročenky

The official behind-the-scenes tie-in book to Sony Pictures Animation's Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Miles Morales returns for the next chapter of the Oscar®-winning Spider-Verse saga, an epic adventure that will transport Brooklyn's full-time, friendly...
37 €
A chronological overview of one of modern cinema’s most celebrated directors, featuring interviews with Jane Campion herself. Awarded Best Cinema Album by the French Syndicate of Film Critics. Jane Campion on Jane Campion offers a unique perspective on the...
37.95 €
A deep dive into the creative world and personal archive of the master of horror Clive Barker, from Hellraiser and Candyman to today"I've seen the future of horror . . . and his name is Clive Barker." In the mid-1980s, Stephen King inducted a young English...
43.65 €