Kinfolk Islands - John Burns

44.18 €

Join Kinfolk on a journey off the beaten track, to islands big and small, in this collection of eighteen new travel stories. Whether it's a tour of the otherworldly landscape of Socotra in Yemen or a hike into the old growth of a Japanese forest on Yakushima, each slow travel itinerary invites you to set sail at a pace that allows for true discovery and immersion. Filled with ideas and inspiration for where to escape, explore and unwind, Kinfolk Islands is full of vibrant photography, practical guidance and thoughtful reflections on why the idea of an island embodies so many of our travel fantasies. There are the charms of urban islands, including Montreal's beloved Mile End neighborhood. Truly unexpected destinations, like Hormuz, off the coast of Iran, with its psychedelic scenery and bohemian spirit. Italy's sun-soaked Ponza, perfect for languid afternoons. And of course some of the world's most beautiful beaches, from jungle-fringed Caribbean sands to rugged and remote Nordic shores. Believing that travel is as much a state of mind as an action or itinerary, Kinfolk celebrates a way of exploring our world that not only fosters thoughtful perspectives on the places we visit but also deepens our relationship with home once the journey is over.

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