La Regina Margot - Alexandre Dumas

14.35 €

"La storia che Dumas ci narra è spesso pura invenzione; i suoi personaggi sono psicologicamente incerti, e piuttosto improbabili. Ma di tutto questo difficilmente ci si accorge, perché Dumas possiede come pochi altri il dono di catturare il lettore e di i

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"La storia che Dumas ci narra è spesso pura invenzione; i suoi personaggi sono psicologicamente incerti, e piuttosto improbabili. Ma di tutto questo difficilmente ci si accorge, perché Dumas possiede come pochi altri il dono di catturare il lettore e di i
14.35 €
A regény a francia romantika utolérhetetlen népszeruségu írójának egyik legizgalmasabb muve. A filmszeruen pergo cselekményu, váratlan, szellemes fordulatokban gazdag történelmi kalandregény Franciaországban játszódik a XVIII. század elején, amikor a gyermek...
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A szavojai herceg regénye hamisítatlan Dumas-alkotás.A mű alapötlete visszanyúl a XVI. századba és a Bourbonok hadakozásai, Richelieu uralma után föllépteti a Valois-kat.Egy talált...
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A szavojai herceg regénye hamisítatlan Dumas-alkotás.A mű alapötlete visszanyúl a XVI. századba és a Bourbonok hadakozásai, Richelieu uralma után föllépteti a Valois-kat.Egy talált...
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„Nem tudtam megszólalni… teljesen kipirultam. Akkor jöttem rá, hogy én szeretem ezt az embert. Teljes szívemmel.” 1834-1849. A történet kezdetén a 19 éves Gyarmaty Mimi, családja védőszárnyai alatt él. Életének minden pillanatát meghatározza az a tény, hogy...
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Murat was written in the year 1840 by Alexandre Dumas. This book is one of the most popular novels of Alexandre Dumas, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer...
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Derues was written in the year 1840 by Alexandre Dumas. This book is one of the most popular novels of Alexandre Dumas, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer...
0.88 €
Nisida was written in the year 1840 by Alexandre Dumas. This book is one of the most popular novels of Alexandre Dumas, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer...
0.88 €
Ali Pacha was written in the year 1840 by Alexandre Dumas. This book is one of the most popular novels of Alexandre Dumas, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers...
0.88 €