Octavius and the Perfect Governess - Larkin Emily

3.37 €

A governess in jeopardy . . . and the marquis’s son who goes undercover as a housemaid to protect her.Lord Octavius Pryor leads a carefree and untroubled life, until the night he visits Vauxhall Gardens in the guise of a woman.At Vauxhall, Octavius discovers that being a female is very different from being a man. Annoyingly different, unpleasantly different, and—when he encounters the lecherous Baron Rumpole—dangerously different.Determined to teach the baron a lesson, Octavius infiltrates Rumpole’s household, where he meets the woman of his dreams: Miss Toogood, governess to the baron’s daughters.Suddenly Octavius has three pressing tasks. 1) To teach the baron to keep his yardstick in his breeches. 2) To keep Miss Toogood safe. 3) To convince her to marry him.A word of caution: This novel is a bodice ripper, and I mean that quite literally. Bodices are ripped in this book—and not in a playful or sexy way. However, I promise you that all rippers of bodices receive their just desserts.Length: Full-length novel of 88,000 wordsSensuality level: A Regency romance with mild love scenes? ? ? ? ?"The book has many layers and is thought-provoking, but it's also rollicking fun. I laughed, chortled and (once or twice) snorted my way through the many funny parts, I cried and was relieved during the tense parts, and in between I was happy, touched, enchanted, and completely involved from the first word until the last. "~ Amazon reviewerQ & A with the authorHow would you describe this series?It's Regency England with passion, danger, adventure, humor, romance—and a dash of magic. The stories are emotional, but not sweet. There’s sex, and my heroes do swear at times!Hang on. Did you say magic?I did. But don't worry—the books are first and foremost historical romances. Only a few characters have magic, and it’s a deep, dark secret, and no one else knows.But … do magic and Regency England go together?Definitely! Many years ago I read Sorcery and Cecelia (or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot) by Patricia Wrede and Caroline Stevermer, and totally loved it and ever since then I’ve thought that Regency England and magic go very well together.How would you describe your writing?Several reviewers have likened my writing to Georgette Heyer, which is the hugest compliment ever. I adore Georgette Heyer! She’s why I write historical romance, and I reread her books over and over. (If you’ve not read

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