Overcoming Procrastination Workbook - Noa Kouta

5.82 €

Procrastination is something that most people have at least a little experience with. No matter how well-organized and committed you are, chances are that you have found yourself frittering away hours on trivial pursuits (watching TV, updating your Facebook status, shopping online) when you should have been spending that time on work or school-related projects. Whether you're putting off finishing a project for work, avoiding homework assignments, or ignoring household chores, procrastination can have a major impact on your job, your grades, and your life. Welcome to the Psychology of procrastination...In the following videos we will Uncover why we procrastinate, followed by The negative impact procrastination injects into our personal and professional lives. We will cover the many reasons behind why we procrastinate and leave things for later instead of handling them right now in the present moment and finally, How procrastinators differ from non-procrastinators. In this micro class you will gain a fundamental understanding of the origins of Procrastination to snatch back control and gain a foothold in leveraging mental muscle to overcome this psychological disease of illusion, excuses and sloth.

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