Overcoming Triggers - Briggs Alice

3.63 €

Do some things make you feel like a child again, right back when you were hurt? Do you get unreasonably angry or upset with some people? Do you have unexplained anxiety in certain situations? If so, you may need some healing from triggers. Triggers tell you that your current situation will turn out exactly like the one when you were a child. That you’re still as helpless as you were then. Triggers put you right back in your memory of hurts at all ages and tell you that it will always be the same. People will always treat you the same. The people today will hurt you like the people in the past. Triggers lie. This book will walk you through emotional and spiritual healing strategies from a Christian worldview so you won’t need to listen to those lies ever again. We’ll cover: Generational Issues Ungodly Beliefs and Lies Emotional Wounds Demonic Oppression And more! Plus strategies to walk out the healing you’ve received. Are you ready to embrace your power and authority and make a change? Click the button to get your copy of Overcoming Triggers now. Note: Each book in this series utilizes the same tools, but is tailored to each topic.

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