Polar Planet - Filip Kulisev

28.41 €

The Polar Regions have so captivated Filip Kulisev over the years that the finally decided to devote a book to exporing these parts of the world. In Polar Planet he points out the differences between the Arctic and Antarctica. Only in the nothern regions of the globe do polar bears jump from floe to floe, while millions of penguins gathering in single colonies are found only in the Southern Hemisphere. The Polar Regions are the most inhospitable places for animals, yet they are thriving with life where few expect it. The wingspans of the albatrosses are astonishing and the auks have the colors of parrots found in the north, while the majestic size of elephant seals and whales is amazing. The photographs in the book show them, with breathaking scenery, in the enviroment where they live. The beauty of the nature surrounding us is not to be taken for granted when you consider that someting so common today may not exist tomorrow. This absolutely applies to the polar region. Filip documents them all, but with the firm belief that future generations will not have to take this book as testimony to a world that has been lost.

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