Saga Egmont Bibi Blocksberg - Zeta’s Magical Fashion Alarm! (EN)

8.99 €

Audiobook Bibi Blocksberg - Zeta’s Magical Fashion Alarm! Put on your best clothes and join Bibi as she attends an enchanted party. When Aunt Mania receives an award for being the Best Herbal Expert out of all the witches, everyone is invited to a grand party to celebrate her. Bibi is super excited, but also nervous - the party takes place just before her herbal exam and she really needs to practice! How will Bibi manage to study hard for her upcoming exam and attend a party at the same time? Bibi Blocksberg Bibi Blocksberg is an ordinary girl except for the fact that she can use magic, owns a flying broom and is a witch! However, Bibi still has a lot to learn.

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