See You on Venus - Victoria Vinuesa

12.3 €

Two teens embark on a journey to Spain to discover the meaning of love, death and everything in between in this star-crossed romance perfect for fans of The Fault in our Stars, Five Feet Apart and All the Bright Places. Soon to be a major motion picture starring Virginia Gardner and Alex Aiono!Mia has had a heart condition her whole life. She's not afraid of dying but something has always stopped her from her biggest fear: tracking down her biological mother in Spain . . . until now. Before her next surgery, Mia wants to meet the woman who gave her away once and for all. Kyle has always been the life of the party . . . that was until the car accident that killed his best friend. Since then he's been reeling with guilt and willing to do just about anything to escape his reality. After a twist of fate, Mia and Kyle meet and make the decision to travel to Spain together in search of answers they both desperately need to mend their broken hearts. But did the universe bind them together to change how they feel about death and love forever?

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