The Reincarnated Prince and the Haloed Sage (Volume 3) - Kusunoki Nobiru

5.86 €

Ryoko Hayakawa, now reincarnated as Prince Herscherik of Gracis Kingdom, is about to turn seven years old. He has no athletic skills, no magic, and can’t even claim to be a great beauty among the royal family, but he still can’t afford to keep playing the subservient prince for much longer. Now that he’s begun his grass-roots efforts to fix his kingdom (just like the period drama heroes Ryoko used to watch on TV), he is met with a mind-blowing proposal from the Minister Barbosse. Meanwhile, the nefarious agents of the Church are on the move, and a beautiful and mysterious woman appears to Herscherik. As he plunges into danger to save his kingdom, how far will Herscherik be willing to go?

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