The Secret Intelligence of Water - Austin Veda

17.03 €

The Secret Intelligence of Water takes a quantum leap from the spring board of Masaru Emoto's microscopic work with ice crystals. Through macroscopic photography, and a groundbreaking new technique, researcher Veda Austin, allows us to view water as an intelligent force, with the power to respond to human consciousness in ways never before thought possible. Focused on the stage between liquid and ice, Veda has spent the last eight years photographing water in a state of 'creation'. She uses in?uences such as words, thoughts, pictures or music pre freezing, and then captures water's liquid crystal response minutes later. For example, an image of a hand will appear in the ice after the thought of a hand was sent to the water.... even simple words have manifested into form! These amazing results suggest that water is intentionally communicating through artistic, intelligent design. The substantial visual evidence seen in this book supports the indigenous knowledge systems across the planet, that regard water as a living being. Veda believes that an emotional connection to water is key to creating change in the way we treat our natural world. She says, "If we think water can feel, we will care for it. If we think it is intelligent, we will learn from it."

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