The Severed Empire Collection - Tomasso Phillip

8.42 €

All four books in Phillip Tomasso's 'The Severed Empire', a series of epic fantasy novels, now in one volume! Wizard's Rise: For over two hundred years, the Rye Empire outlawed the use of magic. Now, the empire has fallen, and a new, sinister power is rising. Ambitious and corrupt, The Mountain King will stop at nothing to reach his goals. To save the Old Empire from his evil magic, seventeen-year-old farm boy Mykal and his friends begin a desperate journey to collect crucially important talismans before the Mountain King. But a war is coming, and their time is running out. And if they fail, a terrible darkness will steal the light from the Grey Ashland Realm... forever. Wizard's War: To stop the Mountain King, the realms across land and sea must unify. But time is not on their side. Mykal and his friends must warn King Nabal of the Mountain King's invasion of Grey Ashland. Magic has become the weapon of choice in war, and Mykal is still unsure of his abilities as a wizard. His skill and resolve will soon be put to the test, as the flames of war threaten to engulf them all. Queens Of Osiris: After women start going missing from the kingdom, Hermon Cordillera’s daughters are unable to find whoever is responsible for the growing number of abductions. Meanwhile, Mykal - the young wizard - continues honing his magical skills with his mother, and his tactical training with Blodwyn, his oldest friend. Tasked with unravelling the mystery of the disappeared women, they soon realize they're ill-prepared for the untold dangers that await them. This time, they will need more than Mykal's magic to survive. Assassin's Promise: When Blodwyn was a young boy, the King's Watch combed the lands in search of wizards, witches and anyone else practicing magic. Left an orphan because of this, Blodwyn's plan is simple: learn everything he can about killing, and track down the Watch. Working his way towards revenge with the dangerous assassin, Rasheed, Blodwyn soon faces a decision what will change his life forever.

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