The Vampire War - Cerepaka T.L.

3.35 €

Off to war.Today was supposed to be my day off from training, but when a group of vampires attack me on my way home from church, I'm forced to defend myself. Without my silver sword, that is.Luckily, an amazingly handsome sorcerer comes to my rescue, only to inform me of an impending war brewing between sorcerers and vampires. He says someone is trying to provoke both sides into war, a war neither side will win, and that he needs my help to stop it.I'd love to, but I soon discover that whoever is trying to start this war doesn't just want to start a war, but also wants me on their side.Now I have to not only stop this war before it destroys both sorcerers and vampires alike, but also keep myself from being seduced by the dark side. And that, of course, is far easier said than done.

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