How to Listen, Hear, and Validate - Patrick King

3.35 €

Cultivate deep connections wherever you go. Prevent 100% of conflict, misunderstanding, and loneliness.Healthy relationships involve our feelings being heard, understood, and validated. Unfortunately, this is the exception rather than the rule. Are you doing it wrong, and alienating people versus comforting them? Find out how to walk this fine line.Uncover the biggest obstacle to the intimate, healthy relationships that we desire and deserve.How to Listen, Hear, and Validate is all about our top communication struggle - our tendency to react instead of respond, and forget that our goal is to build bridges rather than walls. You’ll learn what you’ve been doing wrong, and why your efforts at getting closer to people - in deep or light manners - have failed. You’ll learn actionable techniques and frameworks to have the most productive conversations of your life - ones that will walk away with people praising how empathetic you are. Most importantly, you will gain profound insights on how to reprogram yourself into a natural communicator.No more unresolved issues, struggles to get close, or failures from ineffective communication.Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and social skills coach. His writing draws of a variety of sources, from scientific research, academic experience, coaching, and real life experience. His struggles in his early relationships has inspired him to unravel practical ways to cultivate meaningful, reciprocative interactions. Establish vulnerable, fulfilling and satisfying relationships.•The big mistakes when we ‘listen’ to others•How to structure a style for effective validation and empathy•Scripts to validate others, to know exactly what to say•Simple tactics to make others feel loved and seen•How to use empathetic communication and active listening techniquesDid you know? Most communication problems come from a lack of validation. Are we truly paying attention to the messages others are conveying, or are we just waiting for our turn to speak? Are we listening to reply, or listening to hear? After applying the proven techniques from this book, you’ll be able to increase love, respect and satisfaction to your relationship. You’ll become the person everyone wants in their life.Connect deeper and better. Raise the standard for your relationships.

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