Hobby, voľný čas

Minerals are essential elements that are required by a human body in minute quantities to perform its metabolic functions as well as for healthy growth and development. Minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine etc help...
0.86 €
Scientific name of Patchouli is Pogostemon patchouli (Syn. Pogostemon cablin). Patchouli belongs to mint family i.e. Labiatae or Lamiaceae. Patchouli is a tropical, perennial aromatic herb which is mainly grown for its aromatic leaves. Patchouli oil, a highly...
0.86 €
This is a small booklet that explains general GROWING PRACTICES for rhubarb plant and is meant for growers of this plant. Rhubarb is popularly known as ‘the pie-plant’ because of its significance as a major ingredient in preparing pies. Botanical name of Rhubarb...
0.86 €
Tamarind is a multipurpose tree. Timber of a fully grown tree yields brown-colored hardy durable heartwood which is used for various carpentry purposes. Young, tender leaves are used as a delicious vegetable. Its pod-shaped fruit has great commercial value....
0.86 €
We need vitamins in small quantities for healthy living and staying fit. Vitamins are required to regulate body metabolism and tissue building. Requirement of vitamins increases with the increase in age. Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body results in...
0.86 €
Amaranth greens are popular leafy greens throughout the world. Several cultivars of amaranth plant are used as leafy vegetables; some are with green leaves, some with greenish-red leaves while others are with red leaves. However, all cultivars are grown only...
0.86 €
Asparagus is a cool-season vegetable that belongs to the family Liliaceae. Botanical name of asparagus is Asparagus officinalis. It is an herbaceous perennial plant. Tender shoots (spears) of asparagus plants are used as a leafy vegetable. Asparagus is believed...
0.86 €
Cabbage is one of the most popular winter vegetables in the tropics. Cabbage is used for making various vegetable preparations, salads, pickles and vegetable soups. Cabbage is believed to be originated in the coastal southern and western Europe. Cauliflower...
0.86 €
Cassava is a tropical tuber crop mainly grown for its edible starchy storage roots. Cassava tubers are an excellent source of carbohydrates and therefore used as a staple food in many African and Asian countries. In these countries, cassava is an important...
0.86 €
Chicory or common chicory is a popular salad leafy vegetable. Two major types of common chicory are radicchio chicory and Belgian endive or Witloof chicory. Scientific name of common chicory is Cichorium intybus. Endive is a leafy salad vegetable belonging...
0.86 €
Scientific name of fenugreek greens is Trigonella foenum-graecum. It belongs to the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is considered to be a native of Eastern Europe and Ethiopia. It is widely cultivated in India and Mediterranean countries. Common name of fenugreek...
0.86 €
Fruits are the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. In common language usage, “fruit” normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sour, and edible in the raw state,...
0.86 €
Lovik Károly Európa szerte ismert lótenyésztő, a magyar lovassport első, nemzetközi tekintélyű szakírója, aki angliai szaklapokban is publikált. Író, újságíró,...
1.07 €
Az angol nyelvű mű 60 franciaországi autómúzeumot mutat be képekkel, leírással, címmel, telefonszámmal, weboldal-címmel. A szóban forgó múzeumokban természetesen nem...
1.1 €
This eBook examines the lovable, highly-intelligent, and family-friendly Australian Cattle Dog (ACD). It provides an analysis of the dog's behavioral patterns, characteristics, and unique traits.
1.12 €
Gardening may be pursued either as a hobby or as a career. To the modern urban world, gardening is a hobby, a relaxing escape from the pressures of an urban environment. To a vocational gardener, gardening may be an enjoyable vocation. Whatever may be the reason...
1.73 €
Roses are known as ‘the Queen of Flowers’. Roses are always in demand as they are the only flowers that are associated with beauty, fragrance and eternal love. Regarded as the most important cut flower world-wide, commercially as well as aesthetically, roses...
1.73 €
Consumption of vegetables in either cooked or boiled or raw form as a salad is a common routine in all the households. Most of the people consume vegetables in order to complete their balanced diet. Various types of vegetables are sold in the market to prepare...
1.73 €