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Roses are known as ‘the Queen of Flowers’. Roses are always in demand as they are the only flowers that are associated with beauty, fragrance and eternal love. Regarded as the most important cut flower world-wide, commercially as well as aesthetically, roses...
1.73 €
Consumption of vegetables in either cooked or boiled or raw form as a salad is a common routine in all the households. Most of the people consume vegetables in order to complete their balanced diet. Various types of vegetables are sold in the market to prepare...
1.73 €
Vegetable greens are complete source of minerals, vitamins and plant chemicals that keeps oneself protected from various diseases. It is advised by all the health practitioners to include green leaves at least once in a day. Green leafy vegetables are also...
1.73 €
This eBook includes the images of all common and known flowers.
1.73 €
Superfoods are rich in antioxidants and are consumed to prevent modern-day life style diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, cancer and osteoporosis. Vegetable Superfoods are those vegetables which are rich in plant-based antioxidants and phytonutrients that...
1.73 €
Some freshly harvested leafy vegetables may be consumed as such in its raw form just after washing them. They may also be consumed after minimal processing such as chopping and adding in salads and in other raw food preparations. Such leafy vegetables which...
1.74 €
Generally cultivated crops are grouped into any of the three categories based on their growing cycle. These categories are annuals, biennials and perennials. Annuals complete both their vegetative and reproductive life cycles within a season or a year. Biennials...
1.74 €
Among all the garden crops, bulbous crops play an important role in magnifying the view of the home garden as these have other good qualities besides beautifying the place where these are grown. One of the main advantages of growing bulbous crops in a home...
1.74 €
This small book explains in detail growing practices and health benefits of three prominent members of Ginger family such as ginger, turmeric and Indian arrowroot. Ginger is tropical and subtropical in its growth habit. It is grown for its aromatic rhizomes...
1.74 €
Kale leaves and Brussels sprouts are a group of nutrient-dense Cruciferous (brassica) vegetables. Some recent scientific researches conducted at the William Paterson University, New Jersey concluded that Cruciferous vegetables and dark leafy greens are the...
1.74 €
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum formerly known as Petroselinum hortense) is a biennial herbal spice crop belongs to the family Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). It can successfully be cultivated both in tropical and temperate climates. Commercially it is grown as an annual...
1.74 €
A flower is the reproductive part of flowering plants. A flower is a special part of the plant. Flowers are also called the bloom or blossom of a plant. A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants....
2.6 €
In botany, a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants formed from the ovary after flowering. Fruits are the means by which angiosperms disseminate seeds. Fruits are seed-bearing structures formed from the ovaries of only flowering plants. A fruit...
2.6 €
Vegetable definition is - a usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or potato) grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal. Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. The original meaning...
2.6 €
The book ’21 Culinary Herbs’ explains in detail growing practices and nutritional information of following 21 herbs: Spinach, Malabar Spinach or Ceylon Spinach, Mustard Spinach Tendergreen, New Zealand Spinach, Ginger, Turmeric, Rhubarb, Parsley, Peppermint,...
2.61 €
This small book on "Bell Peppers" explains in detail ideal growing practices and nutritional information of various types of bell peppers such as green bell peppers, red bell peppers, orange bell peppers, white bell peppers, and purple bell peppers. Bell peppers...
2.61 €
This is a small book, which mainly deals with SIX bulb vegetables namely onion, garlic, shallots, leek, chives, and scallions and spring onions. All bulb vegetables are known for their characteristic pungent flavor due to the presence of a group of sulfur compounds...
2.61 €
This small book explains in detail about various domesticated and wild species of Chile pepper plants. Though there are about 30 species of Chile pepper plants have been recognized so far, only FIVE species such as Capsicum annum, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum...
2.61 €